HenArt biedt innovatieve huisdiervoedingsoplossingen die inspelen op de behoeften van verschillende doelgroepen. Of u nu vegetariër of veganist bent, een huisdier heeft met specifieke gezondheidsproblemen of gewoon op zoek bent naar een gezond alternatief voor de voeding van uw huisdier, wij hebben de juiste producten en adviezen voor u. Door een flexitaire aanpak te bevorderen hopen we de gezondheid en het welzijn van huisdieren te verbeteren en bij te dragen aan een duurzamere en ethischere toekomst.

Vegetariërs en veganisten
Adviseren: Dagelijks onze plantaardige/veganistische voeding
Profiel: Vegetariërs en veganisten zijn doorgaans bewust bezig met hun voedingskeuzes en willen deze waarden doorvoeren in de voeding van hun huisdieren. Ze zijn vaak op zoek naar ethische, duurzame en diervriendelijke producten.
Our message:
- Ethical and sustainable: Our plant-based food fits in perfectly with your lifestyle. We do not use animal ingredients, which means that our products are free from animal suffering and have a lower ecological footprint.
- Healthy and nutritious: Our plant-based food is rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber, which contribute to the overall health of your pet.
- Daily nutrition: Specially formulated for daily use, our food provides a complete balanced diet that meets all of your pet’s nutritional needs.

Huisdieren met specifieke gezondheidsproblemen
Advise: Daily feeding of our plant-based/vegan food
Profiel: Pet owners with honden that suffer from food allergies, skin and coat problems, digestive problems or obesity. These owners are looking for solutions that can improve the health and well-being of their pets.
Our message:
- Hypoallergenic: Our plant-based food offers a hypoallergenic alternative that can help reduce allergic reactions by avoiding animal ingredients.
- Health improvement: Feeding our plant-based food daily can reduce the symptoms of allergies, skin and coat problems and digestive problems.
- No flexitarian approach: For this group, it is crucial to follow a strict plant-based diet to effectively address the health issues and prevent the dog from ingesting ingredients that he/she is allergic to.

Advise: Flexitarian approach
Profiel: Pet owners who currently feed their pets a predominantly meat diet, but are open to introducing plant-based options. Meat eaters can benefit most from a gradual transition to a flexitarian approach.
Our message:
- Healthy variation: Alternating meat and plant-based meals can contribute to a balanced diet and improve your pet’s overall health.
- Scientifically proven: Numerous scientific studies and recommendations from the British Veterinary Association (BVA) confirm the benefits of plant-based food for dogs and cats. By regularly feeding plant-based meals, owners can help prevent health problems.
- Problem prevention: Plant-based food can help prevent common problems such as allergies and digestive problems. This makes your pet feel better and happier.