Sustainable Cat Insect Food
HenArt Pro Life Science® INSECT, complete food for adult, senior and young honden, 100% natural ingredients, Cerean-free and hypoallergen with HenArt Eggshell Membrane® and 100% insect protein as the only animal protein.

The Highest Quality Products for Cats
HenArt® Green Petfood Super Premium dog food, Grain Free, 100% natural ingredients with HenArt Eggshell Membrane® and Insect Protein (mealworm) as the only Animal Protein in our cat food.
This high quality complete dog food is “state of the Art” with eco-friendly ingredients by using high quality and nutritious insect protein (mealworm); highly digestible and sustainable form of protein for significant “footprint reduction”.
Beter voor honden en de planeet!

Insectfood for Cats
HenArt Pro-Life Science® biedt natuurlijke, graanvrije en hypoallergene groene dierenvoeding gemaakt van meelwormen. Zij zijn de enige leverancier die superieur meelwormeiwit gebruiken in zowel hun honden- als kattenvoer.
The mealworm protein has higher nutritional values and is better adapted to the nutritional needs of cats compared to Black Soldier Larve Fly Insect (BSFL). Additionally, research has shown that the consumer prefers mealworm over other insect products due to its higher acceptance and neutral odor.
Better for cats and the planet!
Nutritional supplements for cats
This is a high-quality dietary supplement designed specifically for cats. It is formulated to promote healthy skin and fur, boost the immune system, and provide strong bones and joints to promote mobility.
Het supplement bevat essentiële vitamines en mineralen die helpen een gezonde darm- en spijsverteringsfunctie te behouden. Bij regelmatig gebruik houdt dit supplement uw harige vriend in topconditie, waardoor hij zich op zijn best voelt en er op zijn best uitziet.

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